Image above - Opening Gravesend Liabrary Sep 1905

About Us


The Gravesend Historical Society was founded in 1924 (2024 our CENTENERY YEAR)



The Gravesend Historical Society was founded in 1924 with the grand title of "The Gravesend and District Scientific and Archaeological Society". The main aims were to: "Promote the study of Scientific and Archaeological subjects in the district by individual research, by collective study and the interchange of ideas by means of papers, readings, lectures, excursions, field days and outings. By the publication of transactions, journals etc, and other means that seemed advisable at the time. The Society had 60 members in the first year and in the following year, 1925, the Society became affiliated to the Kent Archaeological Society, making us one of the oldest affiliated Societies in Kent.


In 1937, the Society changed its name to, "The Gravesend Society for the Promotion of Archaeology, Science, Literature and Art". This was shortened to "The Gravesend Society", the idea being to bring together all the cultural societies of the Town under one banner. Unfortunately this was not successful as only one society (The Invicta Arts and Crafts) joined the amalgamation and stayed with the Society until 1950. The Historical section of the Gravesend Society was formed on the 13th October, 1948, and by 1950, had yet again changed to "The Gravesend Historical Society".


The Society is registered as charity number 295775.


At present the Society has a membership of about 200 with wide interests, including research, surveys of sites and buildings, rights of way, footpath walks, archaeological work and the Society organises summer visits, footpath walks and winter lectures, in addition to occasional exhibitions and participating in special events. A number of members of the Society give lectures and have also written local history books about the Borough.

The Society also publishes annually 'Historic Gravesham' containing many articles of local interest, not available elsewhere. Prior to this the Society published a booklet called "Transactions" which had been produced since the mid 1950's. Many copies are still available from the Chantry Heritage Centre or directly from the Society please apply by email.


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